
How to make a screenshot in LG G Pro 2

Press the power key simultaneously and the volume key down. If you want to capture a video the procedure is the same but pressing the power key and the volume ...

How to make a screenshot in LG G Pro Lite

1- First step: First, go to the screen that you want to capture a screenshot of on your LG G Pro Lite, whether it's a web page, chat, or application. · 2- Second ...

How to take a screenshot on LG G Pro 2

Press and hold Power button and Volume Down button (on some devices with physical keys: Homescreen button and Power button) for about 2-4 seconds, in order to ...

How to take a screenshot on LG G Pro 2 (D838)

Press and hold Power button and Volume Down button (on some devices with physical keys: Homescreen button and Power button) for about 2-4 seconds, in order to ...

How to take a screenshot on MULTILASER G Pro 2?

How to screenshot on MULTILASER G Pro 2? At first, go to the screen to save. Then push Volume Down + Power key for a few seconds ...

How To Take Screenshot

2014年6月16日 — Screenshot Method 2: To take a screen shot press the volume down and the power button at the same time; until you hear the screen capture sound.

How To Take Screenshots On A Logitech Keyboard

2023年11月30日 — For Windows, there are two key combinations for the Logitech keyboard screenshot. They should be used to capture the active window. Use Win+ ...

Take a screenshot on the moto g pro.

Take a screenshot on the moto g pro. · When you're using the stylus, touch the stylus menu, then touch · Touch & hold three fingers on the screen. Image · Drag ...


Pressthepowerkeysimultaneouslyandthevolumekeydown.Ifyouwanttocaptureavideotheprocedureisthesamebutpressingthepowerkeyandthevolume ...,1-Firststep:First,gotothescreenthatyouwanttocaptureascreenshotofonyourLGGProLite,whetherit'sawebpage,chat,orapplication.·2-Second ...,PressandholdPowerbuttonandVolumeDownbutton(onsomedeviceswithphysicalkeys:HomescreenbuttonandPowerbutton)forabout2-4seconds,inord...